Internet Pundit
I feel I’m totally qualified to be an Internet Pundit. I could easily spend my retirement giving interviews and possibly making speeches or sitting on panels at industry events. When I first started working in this field, there were 2000 hosts on the network. I know because they were all listed in one file. (I should be able to turn that into an interesting anecdote for a speech. Hmm.) My point is, I’ve been around for awhile.
Let’s look at this idea scientifically.
Some of my many qualifications include:
I can explain how the domain name system works. I can explain how it was supposed to work too!
I can ask the probing question “why are we stuck with URLs when we were supposed to have URNs?!”
I used to administer a gopher site.
I have a lot of T-shirts.
To be fair, I do have a few blind spots:
I have no clue what an NFT is or why I should care.
I don’t use Tik Tok. (is that one word or two? check before publishing…)
I tend to blindly accept all site cookies.
I don’t actually wear the T-shirts.
How does one become a pundit? Do I advertise? Do I need a pundit agent? Is there a tech recruiter that specializes in the area of punditry? This could be a barrier to my entry into this occupation; i.e. I don’t know where the door is.
I will have to ask some of my pundit friends. Cuz I know people.