Internet Comic

Remember the Golden Age of Internet-themed comic books? Team ARIN? Captain Internet? Sure you do. I think it’s time to bring that back and who better to do so than I?

All I need is the following:

  • A hero/heroine. Someone noble, but subtly flawed.

  • A villain. This should be no problem.

  • A sidekick/foil. Someone the hero can bounce ideas off of. The person who looks stupid in comparison and represents the common reader, but not so obviously that the common reader doesn’t realize they aren’t the hero.

  • A catch-phrase or rallying motto which can easily be put on t-shirts that sell for $35 a pop.

Probably also needed is some ability to draw, but first things first.

In thinking about this more, I realize the first thing I need to do is figure out my comic book genre. Do I want to be noir? Campy? Edgy? This is key in coming up with names for heroes and villains. There is a big difference between a hero called Super Cyber vs. one called Domain Dominatrix. 

Not to mention how that would affect our key catch phrase. Do we want to go with “Hashtag Hero!” or “404 Your Foes!”? Maybe “Download THIS, Spamster!” 

And what about the term we use for the heroes en masse? “Leet Fleet”? “The Dot Commandos”? This may be more complicated than I first thought.

Maybe we can start with the sidekick. Nerdy Noob? Bot Babe? Dudley Digital? Wonder Woot?

At this rate, I’ll have plenty of time to learn to draw. 

The villain is obviously Packet Pirate. 


Horse Hockey Jockey