Conceptual Artist

Nathan suggested I consider becoming a conceptual artist. At first, I was a bit hesitant because my concept of art (see what I did there?) is that what you draw should be identifiable as a thing, preferably the thing you were actually drawing. I actually drew the picture used for this blog. Those are roses (just in case you were wondering…). 

However evidently the ability to draw things that look like actual things is not a requirement for a conceptual artist. Wikipaedia says:

Conceptual art, also referred to as conceptualism, is art in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Some works of conceptual art, sometimes called installations, may be constructed by anyone simply by following a set of written instructions.

Hello!! I can write instructions! I have been paid to write instructions! Maybe I’ve been a conceptual artist all this time! Who knew! 

All I need now is the concept itself. How hard could that be? Really, who is to question whether the installation represents the concept or not. Other than art critics, and I bet you can’t name even one art critic. 

I could fill a room with milk and rocks (or rather, write instructions so someone else had to move actual rocks) and say it represented summer because it is the essence of rocky road ice cream. I could sell rocky road ice cream at the opening and probably make a nice profit. I don’t even really like rocky road ice cream, but if it makes me a million bucks, I could learn to appreciate it. 

On the other hand, why go to all that work. I already drew this picture:

I call it “Bear Hiding on Roof.” It (obviously) represents the concept of how we all need a strong foundation to bear our fuzziness (I got a million of ‘em), yet at the same time we use traditional edifices to mask our true selves from our peers. Yah, that’s pretty deep.

I’ll set the starting bid at $10,000. I’m on my way!


2nd Tier Alexa


Lion Tamer